Terms of Service

Welcome to Wallpaperscan, a community-supported website (” we,” us,” or “our”). By using Wallpaperscan, you agree to these terms, so please read them carefully before continuing.

Acceptable Use

This document details the proper usage of Wallpaperscan, related web services, and server infrastructure. It also covers content moderation issues and what to expect regarding performance and availability.

Age Restrictions

On this website, users must be at least 13 years old.
By browsing, downloading, uploading, or using Wallpaperscan, you confirm you are at least 13 and that, if applicable for children under 18, their parent/guardian has agreed to these Terms of Service.

Accessing Wallpaperscan

Standard web browsers should be used to access Wallpaperscan, while automated methods like scripts, bots, or applications are prohibited from doing so.

Automated tools may block, delay, or slow access to Wallpaperscan, huge files accessed in error by visitors using manual methods to navigate or download from it directly. This ensures a positive user experience for those accessing it as intended.

Automated access can diminish performance and incur costs for operators, and even minor violations can have lasting negative repercussions.

Wallpaperscan rely on your help to remain free. We prefer to invest our resources in increasing its features and content.

Privacy & Cookies

Our Privacy Policy details how we process the information you share when using Wallpaperscan.

Wallpaperscan present advertisements from third-party advertising networks. Our privacy policy doesn’t cover their practices; for your safety, we provide this list (which may or may not be comprehensive or up-to-date):

Directly linking to images or large files hosted on Wallpaperscan without first receiving authorization is strictly forbidden without permission from Wallpaperscan. Linking directly to individual HTML or XML web pages is allowed, while direct linking of our small preview images may be possible (though not guaranteed).

Integrating files or services from this website into another online service or application requires prior, express written approval from its operators(s).

Wallpaperscan is a community-supported website that relies on users for most content. We accept desktop and phone wallpaper submissions; however, to preserve quality standards, only select wallpapers are publicly published.

Some content offers public comments featuring user-submitted text appearing directly on our site. We intend that the comments feature be used constructively for discussing and providing constructive feedback related to that specific content – not for:

Personal insults (whether implied or explicit), off-topic discussions, culturally insensitive material, and sexual content inappropriate for family audiences should not be posted here. Children under 13 must post content under adult supervision.

We reserve the right to moderate content before and after submission. Moderators may delete or edit at any time—manually or through automated means—and moderation criteria may change over time.

Wallpaperscan is designed for family viewing. Therefore, we do not accept content which may include:

If we receive notice or have reasonable cause to believe your content falls into one or more of these categories, we may remove or suspend it or your account.

Wallpaperscan’s operators strive to ensure the availability and performance of its services; however, uptime cannot be assured.

The website may be temporarily inaccessible due to scheduled or unscheduled maintenance, upgrades, bug fixes, server migrations, hardware issues, or to prevent unapproved use, hacking, or exploitation.


Wallpaperscan and its owners, employees, contractors, and partners do not accept legal or financial responsibility for any losses, damages, or injuries resulting from using its related websites, content services, or infrastructure.

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